Novexa 55 rue Linné 26500 Bourg les VALENCE
Contact us +33 (0)4 75 25 14 18 France

Controls at a stop

A l'arrêt, Novexa est également à même de réaliser divers contrôles très importants pour la gestion de l'usure des engrenages.
Nous vous proposons en audit ou lors des chantiers, les mesures suivantes :

Alignement laser

A properly tuned machine generates less vibration.

En effet l'usure génère du jeu dans la chaîne cinématique. Le jeu excessif favorise l'expression des vibrations, phénomène amplifié par la déformation des profils du harnais pignon/couronne.

Nos équipements nous fournissent les valeurs de calage sur réducteur, moteur et vireur sachant que Novexa aura confirmé préalablement l'ajustement du pignon avec la couronne.


Cracking checks are carried out on bearings, crusher bottoms, reducers, gears and tires. They are carried out by three possible processes:

  • Magnetic particle inspection (with or without UV lamp)
  • Penetrant testing (use of a penetrant and a developer)
  • The ultrasonic control

Etat des massifs

Our reprofiling interventions have the role of dealing with problems of
Operation in degraded mode for years can alter the solidity of foundations and anchors. Our audits include visual observation of any cracks. If a problem is detected, we can offer repair solutions by polymer injection.

This technique consists of opening the V-shaped cracks, introducing flexible tubes and injecting a pressurized liquid spreading
into all the damaged areas.
After 24 hours and the polymer has solidified, the repair is comparable to a repair in new condition.

Veil / Out of round

The out-of-round accelerates the wear rate of the sprockets by displacement of the primitives. The veil increases the risk of cracks by localization of End spans.

We propose to set up :

  • Two comparators method for sailing.
  • Using lead or gauge for tooth bottoms and out-of-round
  • Transmission of dimensions in the form of a graphic file

We take part during construction sites in the pinion/crown settings with control of backlashes and backlashes of the teeth.

Geometry check

Our geometry measurements are applicable on furnaces, mills and rotating tubes on bandages. On a rotary, the analysis of a setting begins with its level and the state of its bearings.

We have 2 equipment for geometry checks :

  • A TOPCON level bezel (accuracy 0.2 mm/100 meters)
  • A LEICA theodolite for measuring levels, angles and distances in x, y and z